Bingo2020 pre-tourney race

Goal: Defeat Phantom Ganon, Volvagia and Morpha. Get 12 different Skulltulas from their dungeons.

Additionnally, pick a row, column or diagonal of restrictions.

Standard bingo rules apply.

ROW1 No egg No damage in dungeons Cow in House
ROW2 Jump off the watchtower and die Wear Hover Boots in Forest, Fire and Water Temples No save and quit
ROW3 No Hookshot/Longshot Exactly 69 rupees Zora Tunic

Goal disambiguation

No egg

You may not have Weird Egg or Pocket Egg in your inventory at any time.

No damage in dungeons

You may not lose any health while in a dungeon. Is considered a dungeon any instance with a blue warp. You must reset without saving upon taking damage in a dungeon or in a boss room.

Wear Hover Boots in Fire, Forest and Water Temples

You must wear Hover Boots at all times when in Fire, Forest and Water Temples. This includes boss rooms of those dungeons.

No save and quit

Both save+reset and die+save+quit are banned.

No Hookshot/Longshot

You may not have Hookshot or Longshot in your inventory. You may not have Hookshot or Longshot on your B button.